Intensifying the selective control of bats in the Vraem


The work is done by the Minagri in the province of La Mar Ayacucho
The Mar – Ayacucho 04 July 2018 – 10:10 AM.

Moment when the bat is coated with a substance to fight rabies

The Mar – Ayacucho

The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri), through the National Service for Agrarian Health – Senasa, intensified the surveillance and selective control of hematophagous bats (vampires) in the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro (Vraem) rivers valley, in order to prevent the transmission of rabies to herbivores in this part of the country.

an endemic disease that can cause death of livestock. The main carrier and the transmitter are the hematophagous bat who, because of his eating habits, infects production animals when they bite them to absorb their blood. In addition, it is a disease that is transmitted to people.

After evaluating the frequency of bites in domestic cattle and corroborating the high rates of bats in Chilcas, Chungui, Luis Carranza, San Miguel and Tambo districts (Ayacucho Region), specialists in Agricultural health carried out selective captures of flying mammals to apply a vampiricide paste on the back before releasing them.

When vampires return to their shelters, they groom themselves and so, the animal smeared with toxic compounds on the skin, it poisons several members of their colony until their death.

These actions are complemented by an annual vaccination campaign, which has now reached 3,929 animals, among cattle, goats, pigs, horses and sheep. At the end of the year, vaccination of 10,000 animals is estimated.

In addition, training is given to small producers in various sectors of Vraem. In the first months of 2018, 147 breeders were trained on the disease: presentation, clinical signs, control, prevention and importance of vaccination. The latter is the main means of avoiding contagion

Minagri specialists have called on producers to participate in vaccination campaigns and, in case of signs of bite or nervous symptoms, such as excessive drooling, difficulty in to walk, paralysis of the limbs, wavering and prostrating with their cattle, immediately communicate to Senasa.

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