Iron-fortified rice is integrated into the health policy against anemia


Deputy Minister of Health, Calle María del Carmen, announced
Lima July 08, 2018 – 5:20 pm,

"The issue of anemia needs to be tackled in a multisectoral way, health is an important part of it and we have to rely on evidence." It is possible to prevent anemia, Minister


Enriched rice and enriched porridge will soon be added to the policies applied to fight against anemia, announced Deputy Minister of Public Health, Calle María del Carmen, in his participation in the technical meeting "Testimonials Control of Anemia: Challenges and Opportunities 2018-2021. "

He explained that social programs can be provided with these foods, an effective way to contribute to the plan to reduce anemia." He added that the fight against anemia is a national priority So the Ministry of Health (MINSA) is working on new health interventions to be a country free of this disease.

"The issue of anemia needs to be addressed multisectoral, Health It's a important part and we have to rely on evidence. Prevent anemia can, "said Deputy Minister Calle.

Enriched Foods

Since 2006, the enrichment of wheat flour with micronutrients such as the Now Minsa is promoting the fortification of rice, which is a high-staple food in all parts of the country.

Hans Vásquez, Head of the National Institute of Health (INS), said that the fortification is developed in an intermediate process of producing food and not seeds, with which we have an enriched product that does not undergo the alteration of flavor, odor and color

Countries such as Costa Rica, the United States, and the Philippines are already implementing this successful health strategy to treat the problems of malnutrition and iron deficiency, among other nutrients.

The Organization World Health Organization (WHO) era that food fortification is a very effective public health intervention, which leads to a rapid improvement in health. nutritional status of people.

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