Lambayeque: Only 20.5% of infants have been vaccinated against influenza | Society


The Regional Immunization Coordinator of Regional Health Management (Geresa) of Lambayeque Giovanna Larraín Távara, expresses her concern about the low rate of immunized children against Influenza type AH1N1.

According to Larraín Távara the goal for this year is to provide the vaccine against this disease to 23 thousand 357 infants, however, to date only 4786 children have been vaccinated, although the Infant population is usually the most prone to suffer from this respiratory complication which in some cases is usually fatal.

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On the contrary, the adult population is generally the most sensitive to this problem, recording more than 57 000 937 people over three years who have received this vaccine.

The Regional Office stated that there are 100,000 vaccines for adults, which can be accessed free of charge through the various health centers in the region.

Thus, the regional representative of Geresa reported on the importance of the vaccine to prevent this respiratory infection in the most vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Similarly, he urged the population to go to the nearest health center. climate affects a large part of the population.

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