Late dinner and immediate bedtime may have more serious consequences than previously thought


Spanish researchers analyzed data from 621 patients with prostate cancer and 1205 patients with breast cancer, in addition to 872 men and 1321 women without these cancers.

People who had dinner before 9 pm or who waited at least two hours after dinner before going to bed had a 20 percent lower risk of cancer than those who ate after 22 hours. or those who dined and went to bed soon after, according to the study.

The survey only found an association, and did not prove that eating at a late hour of the night causes these cancers.

"Our study concludes that adherence to eating habits [durante el día] is associated with a lower risk of cancer," said lead author Manolis Kogevinas, a researcher at the Institute of Global Health in Barcelona (isGlobal). "If the results are confirmed," they will have implications for recommendations on cancer prevention. , which currently does not take into account the time at which meals are made, "said Kogevinas.

He added that the impact could be particularly important in places like the south of the country. EU clothing, where people eat late.

More research is needed to understand the results, but co-author Dora Romaguera said that "everything seems to indicate that the time to go to sleep affects our ability to metabolize food. "Romaguera is a researcher at ISGlobal.

Although extensive research has explored the links between food types and cancer risk, little attention has been paid to been given to how the cancer risk might be affected what people do before and after eating, the study's authors noted.

The study appears in the July 17 issue of the International Journal of Cancer

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