Lenovo and FeelsGood bring virtual reality to oncology treatments


The Peruvian Startup Makes Radiotherapy Procedures More Accurate by Reducing Stress and Anxiety Levels in Oncology Procedures Using Virtual Reality

The Power of Virtual Reality is Now Applied to Oncological Health, Lenovo and FeelsGood united to improve the quality of life of cancer patients through immersive virtual reality environments, achieving greater accuracy in eliminating tumors during radiotherapy processes.

These are procedures supported by an oncological and scientific committee designed in virtual reality environments where traditional psychology techniques have been used, such as guided imagery, music therapy, chromotherapy, and so on. All have been rehabilitated with the use of immersive virtual reality to reduce the levels of pain, stress and anxiety by providing precision to radiotherapy.

The silent technological revolution that Peru is currently experiencing is present in different regions and in recent years. Small businesses have emerged that seek to contribute to the development of the ecosystem of innovation. The health sector could not ignore this movement and so a series of initiatives are being observed that hope to achieve improvements in the health system, using technological advances.

For Lenovo, this project is part of the program "Lenovo Contigo" This is aimed at providing the tools and resources needed to stimulate people's dreams and transform their reality. All this responds to the proposal of Lenovo, whose goal is to positively change the company through technology; with actions that improve the quality of life of people.

"We support FeelsGood because through them we can get a better experience for hospital patients and thus change their lives.Lenovo believes in putting his talent to the service of people, and we know that the limit is what our imagination wants to define, "said Andrés Becerra, CEO of Lenovo.

The Technology Behind the Project

] In radiotherapy procedures, precision is a determining factor. Tumors that are lodged, for example, in the breast are mobile tumors if the patient is anxious or anxious, since his breathing will be shaken. What this set of applications, developed by FeelsGood in partnership with Lenovo, realizes is to calm the patient so that the heart moves away from the field of treatment and is better protected from the side effects of radiation.

A telemedicine platform for the assay of three sets of virtual reality immersive applications where a health professional can monitor and dose such procedures even in the most remote parts of the country.

SSR FeelsGood respiratory synchronization suite for radiotherapy procedures where in an immersive virtual reality environment using traditional technology-replenished psychology techniques, breast or breast tumors that will be attacked by radiotherapy do not move as much, and therefore, the treatment is more accurate.

Wellness VR is a virtual reality suite to decrease levels of stress and anxiety during chemotherapy procedures. In addition, the sense of temporality changes, giving the impression to the patient that he spends less time in lengthy procedures. It is also recommended in bone marrow transplant procedures because it uses guided imaging techniques, breathing techniques and others that reduce stress and anxiety in isolated patients during 30 days

VR Physio a series of physiotherapy exercises for patients who have undergone breast extraction procedures, and that is that if a patient who has undergone this procedure does not does not work rehabilitation can have serious consequences.

"VR Physio provides these patients with medicalized exercises a telemedicine platform decreasing the sensation of pain and monitoring the progress of the patient at a distance.This telemedicine platform also has an intelligence system artificial that suggests the best exercise for the patient, according to the progress made, "said Luis Rodriguez, CEO of FeelsGood.

These solutions are already being used with good results in the radiotherapy field of the Delgado Auna Clinic, as well as the Oncosalud Radiation Oncology Center, headed by Dr. Gustavo Sarria.

Starting in August, they will also be used at the Institute of Child Health of San Borja for the treatment of minors with leukemia and those who undergo bone marrow transplants. "The goal is to take these children out of isolation and take them to more immersive environments through virtual reality, where anxiety levels that suffer from postoperative isolation will be reduced." said psycho-oncologist Joel Inga. The FeelsGood Mental Health Domain

The FeelsGood start-up was born out of the need of its CEO to look for alternatives to improve the condition of his grandmother, who lost the mobility of the body's own product. stroke. This is how he found scientific studies demonstrating the effectiveness of virtual reality in neurological patients. In coordination with Geraldine Guzmán, co-founder of FeelsGood, and the support of a scientific committee eager to innovate in the country to improve the quality of life of cancer patients, they were able to promote the health of cancer patients. FeelsGood experience.

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