Low iodine consumption and radiation exposure increase the risk of thyroid cancer | news


Low iodine intake and continued radiation exposure through head and neck examinations increase the risk of thyroid cancer, which affects 10 per 100,000 Peruvians, warned a specialist .

The endocrinologist Susana Tara Brittos, Chief of Department of Medical Specialties of Rebagliati Hospital, reported that other factors that help to gain this harm have to do with the genes that the patient is wearing or with the presence of a parent with thyroid problems (such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or nodules).

The expert asked to have care when we take X-rays of the head and neck as some hospitals do not offer complete radiation protection which can lead to alteration cells called thyrocytes.

nodules or tumors that grow in cancer "said Tara, noting that the thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck.

He revealed that thyroid cancer primarily attacks women, but that when presented to men he is generally more aggressive. [19659004] "It is more ] frequent between 20 and 50 years old. However, when it is presented in children or adolescents under 19, cancer tends to be a little more aggressive and returns and resorts several times. And when it occurs after age 60, it is also more aggressive "he said.

On low iodine consumption, the specialist mentioned that eating habits have changed and the population consumes little iodized salt and prefers salt maras which has little iodine.

"In the Sierra and the Selva, there is has more thyroid cancers than others. . There is a large population of patients from Ayacucho, Ancash and Cajamarca who have thyroid cancer " he noted.

He added that on the coast does not occur the consumption of marine food is higher and it is there that iodized salt is most often used.


Tara noted that important for thyroid cancer is surgical and that an operation is one that really cures this disease.

He clarified, however, that some more aggressive cancers need treatment with radioactive iodine, so that there is no recurrence or return of the disease.

" It is an excellent product that is directly attached in the thyroid . Although there are patients who are not sensitive to radioactive iodine and who need external beam radiotherapy and other types of drugs, "he said.



Thyroid cancer usually has as manifestation the presence of a tumor or nodule in the neck and that some patients will have difficulties in passing food and they will even be blocked, when the growth of the Nodule is fast or very close to the trachea.


Tara Brittos advised people with a family history of thyroid problems to go to a specialist and pass an examination of neck or undergoing an ultrasound.

"Currently is the best out it's diagnostic for thyroid cancer. They allow us to quickly define whether we have a patient with cancer or need a biopsy to confirm, "he emphasizes.

More in Andina:



Video: Low or excessive iodine intake increases the risk of thyroid cancer


Published: 7/15/2018

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