Mammography, the only study that reduces breast cancer mortality


Mammography is the only technique that has been able to detect early breast cancer and, therefore, more likely to eradicate it, said the researcher at the Institute of Physics of the United States. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), María Ester Brandan.

The medical physicist specified that the detection is not equal to the diagnosis and that this is only achieved by a biopsy, which is then detected by signs of suspicion, including microcalcifications, masses or changes in fibroglandular tissue architecture.

These signals are observed precisely in the radiological image of the gland (mammogram), said the specialist in a statement from the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC).

She pointed out that it is not possible to avoid breast cancer, but it can reduce the risk of suffering, through a healthy lifestyle, a consumption of Limited alcohol, a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Brandan warned that in Mexico the lesions are detected late, therefore they are larger and possibly have developed metastases, leading to a worse healing prognosis.

Therefore, he pointed out that early detection, followed by the application of appropriate therapies, decreases cancer mortality; that's why mammography, a radiological study of the mammary gland, has a mean ability to see cancer by 80 percent.

It is the most demanding radiological study in terms of image quality, that is why physicists have been interested in him. The disadvantage, he says, is that it uses radiation, although the dose is very low.

The AMC board member explains that there are two complementary techniques to mammography: one is breast ultrasound and magnetic resonance. 19659003] The first uses sound waves to create a computerized image of the inner part of the breast, it is useful to observe some changes in the breasts, such as the masses (especially those that can be felt, but can not to be seen on a mammogram) More than calcium or changes in women with dense breast tissue, he describes.

While breast magnetic resonance is a technology that uses magnetic fields to produce detailed images of the body's interior, it does not use X-rays. It adds that there is other techniques using X-rays, molecular imaging, thermography, electromagnetic impedance, among others. n in developmental stages and, to date, can not replace mammography as a screening test.

However, he said the techniques presented as emerging might be useful in the future, although the truth is that mammography, the only study that reduces breast cancer mortality "width =" 100% "/>

Experts say mammography is the only technique that has been successful in detecting breast cancer in a timely manner … (ARCHIVER)

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