Mendoza: Catholic school students were absent for not being vaccinated against HPV


The educational community of San Rafael was surprised by the decision parents of Catholic schools of not to send their children to classes the day they had the vaccine against Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

According to local media reports, both institutions depend on the Institute of the Incarnate Word of San Rafael. The principals denied that it was a decision of the school and they slipped all the responsibility to the parents.

In both schools they indicated that they were informed of the date of vaccination and that the parents decided not to send the children to school on their own. and after reading "online."

In dialogue with the San Rafael media, Gladys Marin, chief of central immunization, explained that " the first dose of the vaccine was given.It prevents cervical cancer in the women and cancer of the anus in men " and clarified that " we had no problem in most schools except in two religious schools where children were absent in Regarding the possible contraindications, the professional noted: "7 years ago we applied those doses that have no contraindications and prevent cancer." [19659006] (function (d, s, id) {
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