Migration contributes to the spread of the highest risk virus among young adults


The Ministry of Health (MINSA) activated a national epidemiological alert after an imported case of measles was detected in a 13-month-old baby from Venezuela. Faced with this situation, health warnings are on because, in Peru, no indigenous case has been reported for more than 15 years.

Jorge Abel Salinas Former Minister of Health and Pediatrician of the International Clinic, explained the measures of health that should be applied in the country to prevent a new outbreak of measles.

"What happened is that we considered that the case of measles in Peru was almost eliminated, in fact, until February of this year, we had some case of this disease almost in the last 15 years, however, there are countries in Europe and Latin America with measles, and migration allows people to reach the virus, "he told RPP Noticias . two young people contracted measles at the Candelaria festival in Puno and at that time Minsa instituted a vaccination campaign for young adults who are considered to be the population of risk for this disease.

"The disease in most cases is mild, however, it can have complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis.The patient may require hospitalization and, unfortunately, may even die. adult, the more he can have complications, "says the specialist.

Finally, Abel Salinas explained that the importance of a national alert "is to prepare the young hospital staff" because since the beginning of the decade of 2000, there is no known case of measles in Peru.

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