Minsa: Obese people are at greater risk of osteoarthritis and diabetes | news


Obese people are eight times more at risk for osteoarthritis of the knee, as well as other conditions such as diabetes mellitus, which can lead to blindness and kidney problems requiring a transplant or hemodialysis warned the Ministry of Health.

After pointing out that the main symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain, stiffness and deterioration of mobility on Minsa noted that diseases noncommunicable (NCD) have increased gradually, especially obesity
For this reason, it is said that it is urgent to adopt healthy lifestyle ] how to perform physical activities to avoid sedentary life at least 30 minutes a day, consume five fruits or vegetables a day and drink water.

Specialist Physician in Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Jorge Hancco, ] stated that it is important to pay attention to these recommendations because obesity is a problem that can seriously compromise the quality of life of a person.

He said that years ago this problem was less global. " The increase in migration to the urban area altered lifestyles, such as the consumption of fast food, ultra-processed, snack, excess salt and sedentary lifestyle. "

Before that, the specialist advised the consumption of food made with natural foods appreciated more fruits, vegetables and salads, and also avoided the consumption of sweetened beverages. [19659006] Seek also help of health professional to evaluate his weight frequently.

More than 13 million Peruvians with excess weight

[19659006] A total of 13 million 426,933 elderly 15-year-old Peruvians are overweight (obese and overweight) .In the country, 1 in 5 Peruvian over the age of 15 is obese, and 1 in 3 people over the age of 15 is overweight.

Of all the emerging threats to health No one has contested the very foundation of public health as the increase of noncommunicable diseases.

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Published: 24/7/2018

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