Minsa: ONP retirees will receive a free vaccine against influence | Society


The Ministry of Health and Banco de la Nación launched a joint campaign to protect retirees and retirees from influenza affiliated with the Office of Pension Normalization (ONP).

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In this way, all the older adults who arrive at the above-mentioned branches of the national bank will be vaccinated against ] while they line up, Monday 9, Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 July

"We hope to immunize more than 80,000 retirees to protect them from the flu during the season "This campaign will be carried out in 58 agencies of Banco de la Nación (34 in Lima and Callao and 24 in the interior of the country).

Remember that influenza vaccine protects people against the most aggressive viruses in this disease that can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia. Its application is free and is available in all health centers of Minsa.

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