More than 179,000 houses were fired for dengue – La HoraLa Hora


More than 179,000 households in the region of Piura were exploited by the Regional Directorate of Health to prevent the reproduction of the mosquito aedes aegypti which transmits not only dengue but also Zika and Chikungunya

These actions of control and surveillance of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are carried out under the Supreme Decree 009-2018 of the Ministry of Health, May 23 which extended the health emergency for the additional 1990 years, which makes possible a budget transfer of two and a half million soles.

According to a recent report from the surveillance and vector control area, up to mid-January, out of a total of 401 000 988 homes planned, 179 000 220 (44.58%) have already been managed, obtaining coverage in many areas of the region that exceeds 90%.

"The larval control actions are giving good results because in many areas we have achieved coverage reaching up to 90%; that is, almost all the programmed homes have been operated " said the biologist Carlos Castañeda, responsible for surveillance and vector control.

He added that this year there has been greater zeal in the selection and training of field inspectors to ensure more effective interventions.

It is important to remember that the Diresa launched this year the larval control activity with a new larvicide, piriproxyfen, a juvenile that prevents – in the reproductive cycle of zancudo- that the larva can reach the stage of nymph or mosquito, that in the end is the one that goes sting and infect people with three viruses (Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya) that affect the population.

Castañeda noted that the actions are continuing according to a pre-established schedule until reaching the goal of reaching 100 percent of the planned homes, or 401,000 988, in the context of the situation of # 39; emergency. Taria was extended until the end of August.



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