Nearly two decades without deaths from rabies in Oaxaca


Oaxaca Health Services (SSO) launched National Canine and Feline Anti-Rabies Vaccination Week 2018; 400 000 doses of this free vaccine in the state will be applied

Under the slogan "If you want to avoid rabies, you have to vaccinate your dog and your cat", Oaxaca Health Services (SSO ) began National Canine and Feline Rabies Vaccination Week 2018, which will complete the actions until the last dose is applied

Donato Casas Escamilla, SSO Manager, assured that more 400,000 doses of this vaccine are free and of high quality, with the goal of preventing the spread of rabies through the bite of pets to humans.

He urged the population to be responsible for their home and the community in general, to vaccinate cats or dogs and thus continue with zero cases of human rabies deaths in the entity, taking them away in health centers or houses or semi-fixed positions.

He explained that the characteristic symptoms of this disease are: fever, headache, In the affected area, discomfort caused by exposure to light and the increase in saliva .

Animals with rabies were: aggressive, increased appetite, hydrophobic and radically changing behavior. He therefore insisted that the population go to the nearest health unit when his pets possess any of these characteristics.

He said that through the "Responsible Owner" program, dog and cat owners are being sought acquire land culture, which involves granting a dignified life to the animal, which requires frequent baths, deworming, sterilizations, leash walks, as well as raising their droppings in the street.

It should be noted that in practice since 1990 in Oaxaca, involve municipal authorities, health committees, institutions of secondary and higher education, non-governmental organizations To learn more, go to the 39, one of more than 700 state health centers or see the nearest vaccination posts on the page. of the Internet,

Some of the immunization modules are in: Urban Health Center No. 1; Colonia del Maestro (roundabout in front of the OXXO); Santa Rosa Zonal Market; Mercado de la Noria and Candiani (municipal agency), from 9:00 to 14:00, Mondays and Tuesdays.

Colonia Cuauhtémoc (Samaritan shop), Ex Marquisate (in front of the church), Plaza de la Danza and Mercado de la Merced (Main Square, Morelos Street), from 9:00 to 14:00, Wednesdays and Thursdays

In the health center of Colonia América; Colonia Las Flores kiosk; Stone arch, colony of Calicanto; Piticó, colony of José Vasconcelos; Avenida Lázaro Cárdenas, corner of Moctezuma; Josefa Ortiz School of Dominguez, Colonia Ixcotel and Santa Lucia High Tank, Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00

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