New drug against the third full Alzheimer's clinical trial


SHANGHAI, July 17 (Xinhua) – A Chinese research group has announced progress in the development of a drug to treat Alzheimer's disease.

The GV-971 was developed by Oceanic University China, the Institute of Medical Materials Shanghai of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the company Green Valley Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., after a 21 years old study.

Third Phase Clinical Trial Is The Last Test

In the trial, participants took 450 mg of GV-971 orally twice daily for 36 weeks, which was proven effective in improving cognitive abilities.

Brown algae extract, the drug is intended for patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's. Independent experiments on animals have also shown that it can regulate the immune system, reduce neuronal inflammation and improve cognitive abilities.

Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible and progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory, reasoning abilities and the ability to carry. simple tasks. The disease affects about 48 million people worldwide and the amount is expected to increase due to the aging of the population. Until now, there is no effective treatment.

The drug opens a new avenue for treatment and offers patients a new solution and hope, said senior researcher Geng Meiyu.


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