One hundred and twenty people under surveillance for plague in the region


A total of 120 people from the Lambayeque area remain under surveillance, after having been in contact with the 42-year-old patient, who died from the plague of bubonic and septicemic plague

. The Regional Directorate of Health, Dafne Moreno, said that a census of contacts was conducted, where 89 people were identified at the regional hospital, 16 family members and 15 in the clinic, where he was first treated

. evaluated by specialists and the corresponding treatment is carried out for a week, to prevent the disease. A family member of the deceased and a patient of the regional hospital presented fever, but immediate tests exclude the disease and the National Institute of Health should reconfirm it

"The probabilities of transmission (due to septicemic plague) are low. the patient has not had major respiratory manifestations that may allow him to exhale the bacteria (from the disease). Obviously, all precautions must be taken and that is why all receive the corresponding treatment, "he explained.

Moreno also said that surveillance and vector control actions are continuing in different parts of the country. from the region, in order to prevent the spread of the bacterium Yersinia Pestis that causes bubonic plague, a disease transmitted, usually, by the bite of the fleas of some sick rodents.

Precisely, today. Representatives of the Regional Health Directorate met with professionals from the National Institute of Health and the National Minsa Zoonosis Health Strategy, which will provide technical assistance to strengthen these activities.

The specialist asked the population before any symptoms such as: cough, feeling of choking, vomiting with blood , pain in the extremities, fever, swollen lymph nodes, mainly those located in English, underarms and neck, go to the health center

In addition, it identifies the unusual death of rodents, avoid direct contact and alert the authorities of its jurisdiction.

Case. The regional health directorate confirmed Thursday the death of a Peruvian patient who has been living in the United States for 7 years. He arrived in Lima and then visited the district of Salas. Apparently, he was bitten by a rodent chip. On July 4, he went to a clinic, which referred him to Lambayeque Regional Hospital for his acute condition; however, one day later, he ceased to exist.

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