Patient who survived the Ebola virus infected his family a year later


A woman from Liberia who contracted Ebola in 2014 tainted her husband and two children a year after overcoming the disease caused by Ebola. This was reported in an article published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases .

In this press release, the patient would have "a viral persistence or recurrence of the disease, and transmitted the virus to other members of his family. family a few years later. "A fact that occurred after the death of his 15-year-old daughter in November 2015.

The researchers explain that there is still no accurate information on the transmission of the virus Ebola mother to her parents, but it is presumed that this took place "during close physical interaction".

"Their persistence could entail a continuing risk that cases reappear and have the potential for a large-scale outbreak, if they are not quickly detected and controlled, "says Emily Kainne, one of the people in charge of the study of Center for Disease Control and Disease Control Prevention of the United States


The doctors responsible for this article defined this as a "viral persistence", a term that was explained by Dr. Elmer Huerta, Medical Advisor RPP News . The patient overcomes the disease produced, for example, by hepatitis B measles or varicella this virus never goes away, "he warns. "This remains in a part of the body called sanctuary, which the people's defense system does not reach," the doctor adds.

"The case of herpes is the best known of this type because it usually reappears from time to time," explains Elmer Huerta . "That's what is going on with viral persistence, that's why the medical community fears that the Ebola virus is repelling in Africa, where it has already caused a lot of deaths, "he concludes.

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