Peruvian Cancer Foundation: Doubling the heart of children with cancer | Lima


Clarita, at the age of nine, struggles every day to be stronger than leukemia. She comes from Trujillo and arrived in Lima six months ago, accompanied by her mother to receive chemotherapy . Now he has a new house, where he received us with his mischievous smile, but – at the same time – he surprised us with the good sense of his look.

His new home is the Frieda Heller Inn, located in Block 10 of Primavera Avenue, San Borja, of the Peruvian Cancer Foundation (FPC). There, he shares his antics with kids his age, while it seems like he's trying to protect the little ones.

In addition to her, all persons accommodated in this shelter are the beneficiaries of Comprehensive Disease Insurance (SIS). They come from the interior of the country and lack the economic resources to stay in Lima during the period when they will receive treatment at the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases (INEN).

The space is vast, has green spaces, children's games, educational workshops and even a classroom, where children receive classes twice a week. This place has a capacity of 66 people, between cancer patients and their companions.

Miguel de la Fuente, director general of the FPC, said that even though they welcome people of all ages, the majority of them are minors. "More than providing housing, we are trying to provide them with emotional, spiritual and psychological support, and we are trying to make them their second home," he told Peru21.


The annual Ponle Corazón collection is the main fundraising support for the FPC. This year will be held July 18 and 19 in 18 cities of Peru. The motto of the campaign is "Doublons le coeur" and should bring together a million 600 thousand soles.

"62% of funds are spent on household expenses, 17% on hedging and drugs that are not paid for SIS, 12% on scholarships and 9% on donations. Oncology equipment, "explains De la Fuente,

He also noted that since the beginning of the collection 35 years ago, more than 25,000 cancer patients have received better treatment. serve 600 people. "Donations help them cope with cancer in the best way," he said.


– In Lima, more than 5,000 volunteers will take part in street visits of Miraflores, Surquillo, San Isidro, Barranco, Surco, La Molina and San Borja.It may be given in municipalities such as La Victoria, Los Olivos, San Miguel and La Perla

– Donations can be made with bank cards via This is the case all year long

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