PHOTO: A child turns into stone because of a very rare disease


Jaiden Rogers, a 12-year-old boy from the state of Colorado (USA), suffers from a rare disease that turns her skin into "stone," reports Yahoo News.

The child has been diagnosed with "rigid skin syndrome" – also known as congenital facial dystrophy – a connective tissue disorder that makes the skin as hard as a stone. Of this rapidly progressing disease, there were only 41 cases in the world since its discovery in the 1970s, including that of this child.

Jaiden's adoptive parents began to observe Six years ago, there were symptoms when they saw "a small lump on the right thigh, just under the skin". The mass continued to grow rapidly and "once the hard calcifications invaded the joint, Jaiden began to lose mobility."

"His skin is essentially like stone" and looks like "touching the ceramic top". " his mother Natalie told the media." The child could be totally immobilized or even die if the disease is not cured.

Jaiden parents can not bear the extreme costs that 39, a special treatment of one year in Europe requires, so they launched a fundraising campaign on the platform Go Fund Me.

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