Pisco Day: Knowing the benefits of consuming it | Life


Every fourth Sunday of July is celebrated on National Pisco Day our flagship drink. As expected, many will look for the best place to celebrate and taste this tasty liquor.

However, did you know that eating pisco in moderation is good? Ana Maria Bugosen, a specialist in nutrition and healthy eating at Cafeladería 4D, talks about its benefits.

Ensures optimal digestion. It is distinguished by its diuretic and purifying value of the body, that is why it is used to fight against kidney disease, among others. In addition, it works as a great protector against cardiovascular disease.

Fight against diabetes. Pisco also contains natural antioxidants, which protect the body against the activation of altered genes, responsible for increasing the risk of cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and other diseases. other diseases.

Stops aging. Another direct benefit is resveratrol, a substance that makes up the flesh of the grape, the same one that stops skin aging, acting on the proteins of the tissue cells responsible for accelerating this process.

blood circulation. Sour pisco is prepared with items such as egg white and lemon, which contain important sources of vitamin C and protein, ingredients that promote blood circulation and provide nutrients essential for muscle mass.

in the bakery and the kitchen. It is versatile in the kitchen, in the bakery and even in the ice cream shop.

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