Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Characteristics of the Disorder Affecting Women of Childbearing Age | Health Life | Health


During puberty and adolescence, women begin to experience various physical changes and the onset of the first menstrual cycle. However, they do not all arrive in the same way and generate different affections in their personal and social lives. Irregularity has a medical diagnosis and is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) .

Incorporates several features but the main one is menstrual alteration, ie the delay of the period of more than 40 days or even three or six months up to almost a year.

A cycle of menstruation ] would have the peculiarities of being every 25 to 35 days, with two to seven days of bleeding, four to five towels a day or no more than 80 milliliters in the menstrual cup throughout the period.

"If no has these characteristics, it would be a fact to go to the doctor (…) Any woman who begins with her menstrual period until menopause can manifest this syndrome," because "c & rsquo; Is completely random, "says Zarela Chinolla Arellano, specialist in gynecology at the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).

Irregular menstrual periods include the elevation of androgens (male sex hormones that are normal in low amounts in women): hair growth, tendency to obesity mainly in the abdomen and the abdomen. Acne even in the adult stage.

Another manifestation of polycystic ovarian syndrome is the excess of follicles or cysts in the ovaries, whose presence is normal in the early days of the cycle so that one of the first few days of the year is over. they grow, generate ovulation and then go away In patients with PCOS, "there are so many (follicles) that do not grow, do not allow ovulation, so they have problems getting pregnant or have regular menstrual cycles, "says the obstetrician.

How should the treatment be?

The treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome varies according to the case of each woman and it is essential to consult a specialist to have a good diagnosis and be constantly under revision

. maintain a specific diet and exercise routine, while other cases require hormone therapy, because the syndrome triggers the rise, transient or permanent, androgens.

"If a patient with the syndrome has the Happy to find a pregnancy, but never attended, increases the risk of hypertensive diseases, spontaneous abortions and gestational diabetes," warned the specialist.

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