Ponle Corazón is looking to increase S / 1.6 mlls. for people with cancer | Trade | Economy | Peru


Ponle Corazón the largest national collection against cancer, organized by the Peruvian Cancer Foundation (FPC), will be held on July 18 and 19 in 21 departments. The collection will have the participation of 5000 volunteers who will have 19,000 cans to reach the goal: S / 1.6 million.

"According to estimates of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in Peru 100,000 thousand people currently live with cancer and every year there are 47,000 new cases ] ", Commented Miguel de la Fuente, director general of the FPC." Only in our country 30,000 people die each year from this disease. "

The Ponle Corazón collection represents a high percentage of the institution's annual budget for this reason, it is essential to cover the largest number of cities and municipalities to reach the proposed figure.

With the recipes, the high costs required for treatment are covered, both for children, adolescents and adults who are treated at the National Institute DESTINATION MONEY

The money is used to maintain the shelter Frieda Heller, as well as housing, food, transportation, drugs, theexams, psychological and emotional help of the most needy patients of the country.

1. The costs of accommodation, food, attention, transportation to the INEN, psychological support to patients, running costs and maintenance of the hostel.

2. Fees for drugs, exams, prostheses and other medical expenses not covered by the SIS (comprehensive health insurance). Travel costs for patients to and from their homes in the provinces.

3. Specialization internships in the world's best hospitals that last between 3 and 12 months for INEN's medical oncologists or other public hospitals.

4. Donations of equipment and instruments to the oncology hospitals in Lima and the provinces


Peru is in last position in the massive collection campaigns compared to the region. In the first place, Chile with S / 8, followed by Mexico S / 0.88, Paraguay S / 0.73, Colombia S / 0.27 and Peru S / 0.21, per person.

This reason, that this year the Foundation created the campaign # DuplicamosElCorazón, which aims to add companies to sponsor cans and give an equivalent amount to each one can sponsor, motivating the population to donate and demonstrate the power and impact that has helped once done together.

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