Positive attitude, the key to confronting and overcoming the ravages of cancer



Adriana met cancer when she was 14 years old and was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma a tumor that threatened to kill her. But after a year and a half of treatment, not only has he survived, but now, 34 years later, he is helping other patients cope with this disease which, he says, is not synonymous with death

. you are going to die, but for me cancer was a gift of life, it has taught me to see it differently, "says the psycho-oncologist at Efe.

Those who suffered from one type of cancer survived for more than five years, they claim that the ravages left by the disease range from lack of self-esteem to economic difficulties but the only way forward is the attitude.

] Adriana Blázquez says the doctors assured her that she would not survive but she decided not to give up and when she overcame the cancer, she predicted that she could not have died. Children

"Now I have even a granddaughter.This would not have been possible to have not had a positive attitude towards the disease."

"L & P # 39; attitude is important, I say to my patients, smile to cancer, it is a strong disease that involves a lot of suffering and sometimes suffering, but that also teaches you ", points.

Ximena Felipe Ortega had breast cancer seven years ago She agrees with Adriana to see that the disease is a life opportunity and the only way to conquer cancer, however, agrees that surviving this condition is complicated

"Many times we have scared I'm afraid because we get sick, we're tired, but we have to get out of it quickly and go back to a normal life.

Ximena remembers that at first, her biggest challenge was to regain her self-esteem

they did the rebuilding, you know you will not be the person you were, but you do not You should not focus on that, cancer leaves us with a lot of scars, injuries, but these are war wounds. "

Felipe Ortega, who is a clinical biologist and professor at the University of Sonora, explains that although his cancer was detected at the initial stage, it was with poorly trained doctors and" inadequate "treatments Which led him to move quickly to the third stage. [19659003] "I learned that we must act quickly. Cancer patients must be aware that something can happen, but without fear, "he warns.

Blázquez says that one of the biggest problems facing cancer survivors is the lack of information on emotional help.

"Emotions that nobody treats them.Nothing no hospital has piscooncologists and there are emotional things that no one can help you," he laments.

Similarly, he assures that cancer patients and those who surmount them "must be listened to.normally, not in medical terms, that someone is approaching, it is a difficult disease, but that does not not always lead to death. "

Surviving cancer, both coincide, is a complicated path, however, in the case of Ximena Felipe, Thanatology was a great ally.

"I went with a thetologue and it helped me a lot.When they say cancer, you think you're going to die, you can not do anything because fear paralyzes you, you need support of your loved ones, but the tanatologist helps you focus, "he admits

life, but the most important thing is to see everything in a positive way." We are still alive, the attitude is important and we can see the disease in a positive way, "concludes EFE

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