Rebagliati Hospital: Baby survived cancer after receiving a liver donor | Essalud | Video | Society


At his one-year and six-month shorts, Juancito won the battle against cancer, after receiving a liver donation, thanks to the management of doctors at Edgardo Rebagliati Hospital.

This baby was born with a tumor, which in the end he was detected as embryonic cancer and despite the parents' efforts to donate and thus help their young child, they were born. did not succeed, since their organs were not compatible.

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"It put me a lot of things in the head, but my faith was greater, and until 39 now I'm fighting with my son. " Milagros Ramos, mother of Juancito .

To save his life, it was necessary that a large part of the medical team of this health center meet, since it was the first time that surgery was practiced and advanced neoplasia .

Now the youngest is at home, and according to his mother, he is strong and healthy, as they have recently completed treatment in oncology, and that "it is a blessing of God to have it in this state at home. "

With regard to the work of the doctors, they received the liver by donating a child fourteen years old.

"Children who have already been sentenced to death now have a choice.We are very dependent on the donation of organs.It is important to donate organs, although the figure in our country is One of the lowest in the world, "concluded the coordinator of Pediatric Transplantation Felix Carrasco

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