Recommendations to prevent influenza in children – Diario Expreso



According to information provided by the Ministry of Health (Minsa) up to week 24 were reported 598 cases of influenza in 18 departments of

In regions such as Lambayeque and Arequipa, the first deaths have already been recorded because of this disease, the incidence of which usually increases in June and July, due to low temperatures.

According to Raúl Urquizo Dean of the Medical College of Lima, children under five years old are one of the most vulnerable groups to the flu because their immune system is still under development.

In case of infection by this respiratory disease, it is more likely to present serious complications such as pneumonia, dehydration and worsening of long-term health problems (for example, an illness cardiac or asthma).

recommendations that parents can take into account to protect their children against this disease:

1.- VACCINATION . Vaccination is the main prevention measure. Children older than 6 months should receive the vaccine every year, so that protection is optimal. In addition, influenza viruses are constantly changing, so that the vaccine formula is reviewed annually and sometimes updated to be effective against changes in microorganisms.

2.- AVOID CONTACTS WITH SICK PEOPLE . The contagious form of this disease is person-to-person contact through saliva droplets that are expelled into the environment by sneezing, coughing, or talking. Therefore, the interaction of children with individuals with symptoms of this infection should be avoided as much as possible. In case there is a sick person at home, they should wear a mask and cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze.

3.- GIVE GOOD FOOD . The nutritional status of children is essential to disease prevention. In the case of babies, it is essential that they receive breastfeeding, as breast milk helps strengthen the immune system. After six months, the diet should be supplemented with foods such as potatoes, rice, sweet potato, fruits, among others.

4.- TAKING CARE OF PERSONAL AND DOMESTIC HYGIENE . Good hygiene habits should be encouraged at home, such as washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand cleaners. Children should also wear clean clothes and change more frequently, since the flu virus can remain up to 12 hours in a garment. Similarly, it is advisable to disinfect the most common contact surfaces at home.

READ MORE: "Only 40% of Chalacos are vaccinated against influenza"

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