Release of a tuberculosis sample forced to evacuate a hospital in the United States


The release of a " small sample of frozen tuberculosis " in an area of ​​the Johns Hopkins Hospital of the city of Baltimore ( United States ) Authorities evacuate patients and staff from this health center

The accident occurred inadvertently on an internal bridge between two Johns Hopkins buildings, when he was moved by medical staff. This area does not connect to the area of ​​the hospital where the patients are. Officials at the research center assured that there was no threat of spread of tuberculosis.

However, the urgency was followed by firefighters, who led the evacuation. Employees who were instructed to move the samples were isolated for evaluation

"No Risk"

Deputy Executive Dean of the School of Medicine ] Landon King , informed the press that infectious disease experts cleaned the area with public health officials. "The research buildings have already been evacuated by firefighters because of great caution," he said.

The agent reiterated that the release of the sample did not pose a risk to the people involved. "We have determined that there is really no risk, which means no risk to anyone involved […] no further testing is necessary for the people who were in those buildings or in the general area, "he said. ] (function (d, s, id) {
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