Scientific studies | Cell phones in adolescents increase the risk of attention deficit | Trade | Technology and science | Science


A new study indicates that the high use of digital technologies could be linked to a "moderate" but significant increase in behaviors related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD).

The findings of the Journal of the American Medical Association light up a alert for parents about the time their children spend in front of the screens .

(You can access the study of HERE

The revelations emerge from a survey conducted over a period of two years at about 2,600 adolescents from Los Angeles, in what represents one of the largest and most comprehensive studies on the subject so far.

More they participate in social networks and online discussions, watch videos online , download music or other activities from the digital world, adolescents are more likely to have ADHD symptoms [194] 59005]. For example, difficulties in organizing or making tasks, or problems to stay still.

About 10% of youth who normally used these media platforms showed new symptoms of ADHD during the study period, this was reported.

] Conversely, the percentage of students who did not perform frequent digital activities and exhibiting ADHD symptoms was 4.6%.

The researchers warned that the increase in symptoms of ADHD due to numerical exposure was " moderate ", and that some of the effects could be explained by others factors.

Although it can not be proven that mobile phones cause these disorders, the survey showed " a statistically significant association ," said Adam Leventhal, professor of Preventive medicine and psychology at the University of Southern California.

"We can safely say that teens who were exposed to higher levels of digital media consumption, they were significantly more likely to develop symptoms of ADHD in the future, "he added.

Source: AFP

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