Scientists warn about the risks of plastics in men's health | Magazine


Australian researchers revealed the negative effects that certain components of plastic could cause in the reproductive system .

Andrew Pask and Mark Green, two researchers ] Australians at the University of Melbourne revealed the risks that plastics could cause in men because of the chemicals found in this material. One of the main negative effects of the plastic which the experts have talked about is the reduction of the male genitalia and the defects of this organ with which, more and more, the males are born

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The researchers based their findings on a study of animals exposed to these chemicals, as well as on the analysis of human data which show that hypospadias (congenital penile anomalies) have increased twice in Australia.

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BPA, phthalates (both used in plastics), parabens (in toothpastes and beauty products) and atrazine (a herbicide) are some of the chemicals to male health, according to Pask. "Exposure to these chemicals is the number one reproductive problem for men," explained the researcher in the Sydney Morning Herald.

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Scientists point out that some plastics can release chemicals that resemble human sex hormones. In animal studies, exposure to these substances can cause reproductive problems and also affect humans.

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