Technological devices increase the risk of attention deficit in adolescents


The use of technological devices such as cell phones, tablets and computers increases the risk that teens suffer from symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ), as demonstrated by a recent study published by American Medical Association .

This research was conducted over a two-year period with a sample of 2,600 adolescents in Los Angeles, United States. It is one of the most extensive and extensive studies on the ADHD that has been done so far.

"The symptoms of this disorder may be the inability to pay attention, difficulty focusing thoughts, difficulty withstanding distractions and difficulty controlling impulses," says Elmer Huerta, medical advisor for RPP News .

The results of this study show that over a teenager participates in social networking,, watching online videos, downloading music and other activities from the universe Numerically, increasing their vulnerability to suffer the symptoms of this image.

"Previously, studies had shown a relationship between consoles of high television consumption and attention deficit, this new research should alert parents about the use of new technologies. in their children, "commented Huerta .

The results indicated that more than half of the adolescents in this study, who constantly reviewed their digital media and were constantly using these devices, increased % the risk of suffering ADHD .



In as much, those who did not realize digital activities with frequencies, showed barely 4,6% of symptoms of ADHD . It should be noted that the researchers warned that the increase in symptoms was "moderate" and that some of the effects could be explained by other factors.

"This study is very important because it invites us to think about the consumption of digital media. our children ", finished Elmer Huerta .

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