Ten thousand additional doses against the flu arrived in Lambayeque


Ten thousand doses against the flu, arrived in the region Lambayeque of Ministry of Health to immunize the vulnerable adult population and thus continue to strengthen the activities planned in the Plan For For this reason, the distribution of vaccine bottles to health centers in the three provinces has already begun, giving priority to districts in Andean areas and those at high risk. 19659002] "We will take into account the population density and the number of reported cases.There are currently 12 districts to be followed immediately, including: Chiclayo, Pimentel, La Victoria, Jose Leonardo Ortiz and Monsefú, where the greatest number of cases is registered, " Giovanna Larraín Távara Regional Coordinator for Immunization of Regional Health Management (Geresa)

The official informed that to date there have been 44 cases of influenza "AN1N1", 6 deaths and 6 cases imported from Bagua (Amazonas) and Jaén (Cajamarca).

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