Ten Tips for Preventing Respiratory Illnesses in Winter


The winter not only came with force, but that the lowest temperatures of the last ten years are recorded. For this reason, it is common for us or our family members to fall into the networks of some of the respiratory diseases. For although the cold is not the cause of these evils, it helps to preserve the viruses that cause them.

There are many actions we can take to prevent contagion. The epidemiologist Jorge Samamé of the Carrión Institute shares 10 simple tips to avoid getting sick.

1. Wash your hands. Do it frequently because it's the easiest way to get rid of germs.

2. Do not touch your face. Viruses enter the body through the nose, mouth and eyes. Teach your children to keep their hands away from these areas.

3. Keep the vaccination in mind . Helps to prevent diseases related to the winter season (Flu, Sincitial)

4. Eat healthy. Consume fruits and vegetables. This will help boost your child's immune system.

5. Sleep in good hours. Sleep deprivation is said to double the risk of catching a cold or flu.

6. Maintain physical activity . It maintains energy and controls the level of stress, which is doubly important during the cold and flu season.

Respect the standards of nurseries and schools . These indicate that children who show symptoms of illness, stop attending to avoid contagion.

8. Do not share cutlery or glasses . Have good cleaning habits.

9. Cover coughing and / or sneezing . Use disposable paper or the fold of the elbow.

10. Ventilate environments to eliminate the virus. In overcrowded or closed places, germs spread more easily, staying inside the place.

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