Testosterone drives men to buy luxury goods: study


A single dose of testosterone brings men to the luxury brands of cars, watches, pens or clothing. Like the deer horns or the feathers of a peacock, these are products that indicate that the male has a certain "status" for the female gender, according to a study released Tuesday.

Apparently, the sex hormone According to a study published in the Natura Communications magazine

this is probably due to the fact that testosterone plays a role in social status behaviors (in animals) and possess Status products is a strategy for demonstrating one's own rank in human social hierarchies, "said co-author of the Gideon Nave Study of the University of Pennsylvania.

Some studies have already established that humans use consumer goods to show their social status, but the role of the hormones was so far unknown.

Nave and his team recruited 243 men between 18 and 55 years old for a test. dose of testosterone that was applied to the skin as a gel, while others were given a placebo dose.

They were asked to choose between two products of similar quality, but one d & Between them had a status Before them, the trial had been determined in a previous study involving more than 600 men.

"We found that men who received testosterone showed a greater preference for prestige brands," said Nave. The effect, he added, "is similar to the behavior of other animals, where testosterone usually increases during the breeding season and promotes a display of traits that indicate the ability of the competitors and the potential partners, "said the scientist. ] Do the results suggest that women prefer a man who has a Ferrari and wears a Rolex?

"The use of marks as signs to indicate status does not have to necessarily" work ", it is enough for men to believe that it is useful" says Naive

The team noticed that the products associated with status changed between different cultures.

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