The 10 diseases associated with obesity that severely affect the liver and kidneys


For this 2018, the proposal is to work on the prevention of obesity and overweight and advocate the promotion of healthy habits.

Specialists from the Ministry of Health ( Minsa ) advised the population that personal care is a key concept to effectively cope with the high rates of obesity in Peru and avoid non-communicable diseases. transmissible which damage the organs of the human body.

Among these diseases are type 2 diabetes and various neoplasms to the liver, breast, kidneys, colon, endometrium, prostate and gallbladder. In addition to the increase of triglycerides, deviation of the spine, constipation, infertility, knee osteoarthritis, ulcer and diabetic foot.

Faced with this public health problem, Minsa will implement the strategy by which actions will be developed that stimulate healthy lifestyles that prevent and treat obesity. Other goals are to decrease the sedentary lifestyle and to sensitize the community to the importance of knowing the most prevalent diseases related to obesity that should be avoided.

Preventive Measures

In this way, the Minsa intensify the promotion of activities such as hiking, aerobics (aerobics and dance), trade fairs. information, prevention campaigns, theatrical interventions in public schools in coordination with the country's health addresses.

Jorge Hancco, specialist in preventive medicine and public health del Minsa, recommended a healthy diet, a physical activity of at least 30 minutes a day, drink 2.5 liters of water a day, avoid information and avoid the consumption of packaged and ultra-processed foods such as sweets, snacks, etc. In addition, reduce the salt that is added to meals, stop smoking and avoid alcohol consumption.

In 2005, by Ministerial Resolution No. 514-2005 / Minsa, was instituted the fourth week of July as the Gold Week of Non-Communicable Damage Prevention . For this year 2018, it is proposed to work on the prevention of obesity and overweight and to advocate the promotion of healthy habits. (Andina)

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