The brain tumor is removed from the patient at the Tarapoto Hospital


Date: 07/10/2018 | Health

This 30 year old patient suffered from severe headache, convulsions, lack of concentration, loss of balance, chronic exhaustion and vomiting, symptoms that alerted the team to neurosurgery that after tomography and magnetic resonance studies, they concluded that it was a brain tumor and that the patient had to be operated with extreme urgency.

High level neurosurgery was performed at the Tarapoto Specialty Hospital. Neurosurgeons were Jasmany Corimayta Gutiérrez and Jefferson Chávez Vásquez, relying on the intervention of anesthetists, Danitza Bardales and Vanessa Ríos, along with a team of highly qualified nursing instructors, who successfully for the first time in the world. 39, history of medicine in our region, extirpation of a brain tumor the size of an orange.

After the delicate intervention, the patient has recovered satisfactorily in the intensive care unit (UCI) without needing to be connected to a mechanical ventilator. Neurosurgeons have highlighted the work of other professionals and medical teams who have this hospital.

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