The emotional video of a baby with cerebral palsy: I walk!


The video of a 4-year-old girl who walks alone for the first time enthused everyone in the networks. The girl suffers from cerebral palsy and succeeds in taking her first steps in the middle of all her family

. A 4-year-old girl with cerebral palsy walked for the first time.
A 4-year-old girl with cerebral palsy walked for the first time.

4-year-old Maya Tisdale delighted all Facebook users after her mother first released a moving video of the girl marching . The inescapable reaction of the little girl was viralized through the networks and obtained more than 19,000 reproductions.

Surrounded by her parents, her older brother and her pet, Maya started to stop and she took her first steps. cry of "I am walking ! I am walking !" Ann Tisdale's mother reminded ABC News that her daughter was born four months earlier and weighed 500 grams. In addition, before two years of age, a spastic diplegia with cerebral palsy was diagnosed.

The diagnosis caused that "the muscles of the hips, legs and feet are stretched or spastic" so that she was "unable to stand alone for more than a few seconds, or walk without the help of a walker. "

One year, Maya could only move with the help of a walker, and the possibility that the girl I could walk alone this seemed a distant reality. However, after several investigations, the minor underwent an intervention called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy to "permanently reduce Maya's spasticity, giving her the ability to live with less pain and greater mobility."

Intervention, and after several physical therapy sessions, Maya was able to walk alone for the first time and her reaction not only moved her family, but also all users of social networks who were happy with the success of the little girl.

If you were interested in the note you could also read: We wanted the open collective window, the other closed and the viral video

Source: Telefe.

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