The first tests exclude the TBC in kindergarten – TRUJILLO 360 – La Industria


There is always a microbiological examination to be 100% sure. Minors will also receive preventive treatment.


After several days of tension, Regional Health Management reported the results on PPD (cutaneous test of purified protein derivative) that was performed on 86 children in the 211 garden of California urbanization [19659004] He explained that two tests were carried out, the radiological one and the PPD, and none gave positive results as to the presence of the disease in the children who were exposed to the two cases of tuberculosis [19659005] "This is not to say that we are going to stay there.We have to finish the microbiological study to determine if anyone has had the disease.In the case of children who have been exposed, they will go to therapy preventive to deliver a drug, "he said.

He added that the children will also be evaluated monthly and excluded that the evaluated adults have shown positive results.

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