The health unit reports the first case of AH1N1 flu in the city of Puno


During the presentation of low temperatures in the region Puno the first case of influenza AH1N1 was reported. This is a 53-year-old woman who, because of her condition, was admitted to the EsSalud hospital in this city.

According to RPP Noticias the executive director of epidemiology of the Regional Health Directorate, Dr. Percy Casaperalta Calcina, reported that "due to this period of time, I would year these diseases are reported, fortunately the woman is recovering in the aforementioned hospital.

His condition forced that a sample be removed which allows to know exactly the image the result mentioned. "We have information that was in Puno and that had no mobilization, but they are being tracked and treated adequately and in the process of recovery"; Told Dr. Casaperalta.

He said that people who have a picture of AHN1N1, have between their symptoms high temperatures ranging up to 39 degrees, general malaise throughout the body and sore throat, so during the presentation of these images

What to do

In order for residents to cope with the disease, as well as other acute respiratory infections, the Regional Health Authority indicated that she had the necessary doses. vaccines to prevent contagion, but that the public is not apersona to apply them.

"We must give priority to children under two, to adults over 60 and to pregnant women over 20 weeks of age. Similarly, he stated that, in view of the problems to be solved, the 39, epidemiological alert is respected at the national level, but also in the Puno region.evaluates to declare significant vigilance for more attention.

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