The hyperactivity is a common problem in children


Ibarra. Infantile hyperactivity is a very common disorder, according to Martha Rueda, ibarreña psychologist, statistics suggest that she affects about 3% of children under 7 years old and that she is more common at men's.

Trouble The specialist added that the recognition of a hyperactive child is quite simple as it remains constantly in motion throughout the day, even though it has no specific purpose.

& # 39; These children have trouble focusing on a specific activity. % tend to have poor academic performance, despite normal or even above-average intelligence, "Rueda adds.

The psychologist adds that in some cases, these children may manifest problematic and negative behaviors, they do what is asked of them and they like to take the opposite.

Causes. The psychologist says that ADHD (a condition of the brain that usually causes children to move and talk without stopping) is a common cause of hyperactivity in children, but it is not the only one possible cause because anxiety can cause They are restless and unable to stay focused. "These symptoms sometimes lead people to think wrongly that these children have ADHD. However, it is possible to have both conditions at the same time, "confirmed Martha.

Treatment. The expert also noted that in cases of hyperactivity without organic causes treatment must be adapted to the causes that provoke it, so that the work takes place on all fronts, psychological, pedagogical and in all contexts.

Therapy aims to help first the child suffering from this disorder and help him to reorient his behavior, respecting his personality and character, helping him to know himself

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