The imported case of measles triggers alarms in Peru – Diario Expreso


The National Epidemiological Surveillance System of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) detected an imported case of measles in a child aged one year and one month from Venezuela

Immediately, the Ministry of Health has published an epidemiological alert to activate a fence to prevent the spread of the virus.

The minor came into the company of his family along the northern coast of our country and was treated in the pediatric ward of a hospital in Lima, with favorable developments, which is why he is estimated that very soon it will be unloaded after the period of infection has passed.

According to the epidemiological survey, the child presented a clinical picture characterized by rash (similar to rash), fever and cough. Initially he was treated in a health center and then in the emergency department of a local hospital where his hospitalization was decided with the diagnosis of pneumonia and measles suspect.

The positive diagnosis was issued by the National Institute of Health, reason The National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Diseases of Minsa, by Luis Suarez Ognio, ordered the epidemiological alert throughout the country as a precaution against possible new cases.

immediately if they receive a patient suspected of measles.


Measles vaccine is the best way to prevent the disease. All children under 5 who have not been vaccinated should be vaccinated at the health center closest to their home

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