The memories you have before the age of 2 are fake


40% of people believe they have memories of their childhood. International researchers say that these are nothing more than mental constructs made from pictures, stories and other experiences.

40% of people believe they remember moments of their childhood, but they are nothing but mental "constructions". pictures, stories or other experiences. pixabay.

If you remember the cake your parents prepared for your first birthday, the color of your first toy or the children's ball album that you heard before your two years, you can see these pictures in your head were built by yourself. A team of researchers estimated that 40% of people have a false first memory. That is, the experiences they maintain were not a direct experience but were made from photos, stories or videos.

According to experts, 3 to 3 and a half years are the oldest memories that a man can keep. Before this age, children do not remember anything. The problem is that despite this, the survey conducted by researchers revealed that about 900 people claim to have memories of a year or less.

After the survey, participants were asked to detail these early memories with a series of data such as the age of this moment. They must have been authentic memories, they warned, not being built from other elements. This is how researchers have studied the content, language, nature and descriptive details of those memories that, according to science, can not be formed at such a young age.

The result was a list of mental representations that play the role of ancient memories. According to the authors, the participants assimilate them with time. One of the particularities found is that most people who evoke such old situations are middle-aged or older adults. About 4 in 10 of this group have fictitious memories of their childhood.

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