The most common winter diseases in children


Children are the ones who get sick most in the winter. It is almost always related to common cold with most respiratory diseases but in reality it is not the cold itself that is responsible for the children's disease. Before explaining how to prevent winter diseases in children, it is interesting to know why there is an increased risk of getting sick at this time of year


The cilia (small vellocidades) and the nasal mucosa, the natural defense system that we have in the nose, lose their mobility with the cold which prevents them from controlling the passage of microorganisms that so penetrate deeper into the nose. the body They also can not heat the air to reach the lungs at the right temperature.

It was also discovered that some viruses such as the flu, are covered with a resistant layer . who protects you during the cold and who offers you the protection you need to pass from one person to the other. Once it enters the body that melts the layer in the airways causing the virus to infect the cells.

Other factors associated with typical winter diseases are the domestic contamination caused by the absence of ventilation dwelling in locations closed in contact with other children, facilitating infection by infected persons; and abrupt temperature changes . Going abroad can mean a jump between ten and even twenty degrees on very cold days.



Influenza in children is a virus infection caused by the influenza virus that mainly affects the respiratory tract and spreads easily , the young children being the main vectors of the virus

It is one of the most frequent diseases and can suffer several times during the year. The symptoms are high fever (more than 38.5 degrees), headache, cough and mucus (first a dry cough and congestion that progresses later in productive cough), in some wheezing (wheezing), muscle aches and sometimes abdominal discomfort with or without vomiting. It is common in children to have a loss of appetite and irritability.

Requires a lot of care as this can become more complicated and become a more serious illness such as pneumonia. It is often confused with a cold or a cold, but unlike the flu, these do not show fever or are very weak


Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx caused by the infection of a virus or bacteria. It may be started after an infectious process such as influenza, cold or tonsillitis in which case it is called pharyngotillectitis .

During the winter season there is more pharyngitis of viral origin is common, while bacterial pharyngitis usually increases during the change of seasons, especially in the spring.

The most common are pharyngitis caused by streptococcal bacteria which produce rapid irritation of the throat and very acute pain with fever.


Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils produced by a virus or bacteria. The infection may also be present in the throat and surrounding areas, causing inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis).

Redness and increase of tonsils may be observed, sometimes accompanied by white plaques and pain in submaxillary lymph nodes. There is difficulty for eating, fever, burning or headache, throat, and sometimes loss of voice.

As in the case of pharyngitis, the most common cause of tonsillitis is streptococcus, although there are also viruses


The Bronchitis is caused by the infection of viruses or bacteria that cause acute inflammation of the bronchi which are the ducts that connect the trachea to the lungs . When the bronchi become inflamed breathing becomes difficult and the membranes that cover the airways produce large amounts of thick mucus that causes cough, chest pain and congestion

. from one poorly maintained flu therefore, to avoid complications is very important that the child is treated adequately in case of presenting a picture of the flu.

It is a contagious disease that is transmitted by means of saliva droplets that a person expels while speaking, coughing or sneezing, thus avoiding being in contact with any other person. other people and to cover their mouth and nose when it is necessary to cough or sneeze to prevent infection


The Pneumonia is a disease particularly dangerous in infants and is characterized by the inflammation of a segment of the lungs, usually infectious n. Most cases are caused by the infection of a virus, although in children under 6 months old and older children, it can be a bacterium, the One of the most common,

Comes after a cold or flu. Among the most common symptoms of typical pneumonia are high fever, chills, cough with mucus and pain when breathing.

In atypical pneumonia variant, there are less specific symptoms such as headache and malaise, fatigue, persistent or expectoration. He may also present fever without chills and chest pain which increases with coughing.

The main complication of pneumonia is respiratory distress so always, at the slightest symptom, it is necessary to consult the pediatrician.


Otitis is inflammation of the ears and is manifested by very severe pains e unbearable which may be constant or intermittent, dull, sharp and / or sharp.

It is classified as otitis externa when it relates to the outer ear and ear canal and otitis media when it is the middle ear located just behind the ear. tympanitis Chronic otitis is considered in case it lasts more than three months

There are many causes that can cause otitis, among them infectious such as bacterial otitis or caused by fungi

It is usual that before an otitis picture, especially otitis media, there is a history of catarrh or catarrh. pharyngitis .


Finally, the disease of the star of the winter bronchiolitis. It is a disease caused by infection of the bronchioles caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (VRS or SRV) affecting children under 2 years of age, in particular those younger than 6 months .

It is a highly contagious disease that affects the bronchioles, the last branches of the bronchi, which measure barely 2 mm in diameter, when they infect, they ignite and obstruct, preventing the passage of air. 19659004] It begins with a cold in the upper airways, with or without fever, but after a few days there is a deterioration of the respiratory level. There is coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing and wheezing, increased breathing frequency, and moderate fever.

At the slightest symptom, you should contact the pediatrician to confirm the diagnosis. In mild cases, it can be controlled at home, while the more severe require hospitalization .

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