The strange disease that parasites caused a teenager


Michael of 17 years old, returned from Florida and his mother Kelli Mulhollen Dumas noted that he had strange red outbreaks on his skin. Mainly on the feet. First they thought they were insect bites.

The days passed and the teenager noticed that eruptions spread along her legs and up to her waist. Thus, the family, originally from Memphis decided to go to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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There, they confirmed that it was hookworms that caused the larval migration syndrome . They are a kind of larva or small parasitic worms that affect the skin. These parasites feed on substances from the body and are contagious when in contact with the soil or sand contaminated with animal excrement.

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Michael during his vacation had spent most of the time on the beach . But one game was special, and they believe that he may have been infected there: his friends buried him up to his neck in the sand.

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Although infection in the early was only on the skin, treatment with creams did not improve and Michael began to feel pain in other parts of the body. This happened because hookworms are parasites that can affect the small intestine . If they enter the skin and enter the bloodstream they go directly into the intestinal tract.

Michael's situation is complicated and his mother Kelli, on social networks, asked to start a chain of prayer in addition to showing concern to alert the other parents and young people. "He's buried in the sand to have fun and it's turned into a nightmare."

Florida Health Authorities and Michael's Family Recommended Not To Walk Barefoot in Areas Where There May Be contamination of feces with the soil. And the teenager, in dialogue with The Washington Post assured "I will never walk on the beach without shoes".

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