They will monitor Huarmey to prevent epidemics of leptospirosis | Trade | Peru | Ancash


The South Pacific Health Network will carry out health monitoring in the province of Huarmey, in Ancash, to prevent plague epidemics and Leptospirosis, A febrile illness that affects birds, mammals and, in some cases, humans.

Health specialists moved to the communities of Janca and Nueva Esperanza, located in New Hope District. The operation will consist in the capture and analysis of samples taken from rodents, considered among the main transmitting agents, to determine the presence of both diseases in the area.

Leptospirosis is a febrile disease transmitted by leptospire interrogans mainly by contact with the urine of infected species. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the symptoms may resemble influenza, dengue fever or other viral haemorrhagic diseases.

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