This is how winter and low temperatures affect our health


The low temperatures of winter are synonymous with respiratory infections and allergies. Miguel Vidangos, internist at San Clínica San Borja, comments on some data related to the change of season.

1. Climate change makes us sick. If you are allergic or suffer from asthma it is especially true for you. When cold and moisture come together, which is characteristic of Lima's climate, allergies and respiratory infections typical of the season are often generated as cold, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, asthma intensifies since it is a bronchial disease.

2. Washing or touching cold things generates arthritis. Although the cause of this chronic disease is not yet known, it is generally believed that the cold generates it. However, it is because people are more sensitive to the change of season because joint pain worsens

3. I need to take more vitamin C to avoid colds. You do not need to drink liters of orange juice. If you are well fed, especially at the ends of life, as in children and older adults, you should not have a problem because your defenses will be strengthened. And even though we talk a lot about vitamin C as an important factor to avoid the disease, it's not so true. Taking a vitamin C supplement will not prevent diseases.

4. More cold, more shelter. You should not put a ton of clothes to go out. Although the low temperatures require us to be constantly under covers, in reality, the ideal is to stay cool, that is, not too hot for us to be sweating or getting very cold

. If someone falls ill, we all get sick. Not necessarily. This is true to the extent that we do not ventilate the rooms. For example, if a child gets sick, everything is closed so that "the cold does not pass", so that the family gets sick because there is no ventilation and the virus spreads . The same thing happens in the office when the windows are closed. Therefore, it is recommended that ventilation be permanent so that there is an airflow and that it is constantly renewed.

To prevent illness in people prone to seasonal allergies and to worsen asthma in some patients, Dr. Vidangos recommended the use of dehumidifiers (dry bullet or other specialized devices) to remove moisture from environments and especially if you have a parent who is allergic to the home.

"You can keep the clean environments and avoid having a lot of objects (like soft toys or pictures), so there is no 39 where you can accumulate soil, moisture and others, as this promotes the appearance of mites and mold.

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