This medicine can cause your baby to die


Every baby lives the appearance of first teeth also called baby teeth, between the sixth and twelfth month. With that, also come the first discomfort in the gums. For relieve discomfort there are over-the-counter products made in the pharmaceutical market based on benzocaine .

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For children there are drugs in different presentations that can be used as local anesthetics with a very mild effect, and that serves to eliminate discomfort as inflamed gums that are caused by the appearance of the first teeth.

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But gum numbness to relieve pain with benzocaine may result in death of the patient, according to the US Food and Drug Administration, in a recently issued statement warning against the side effects of these products.

The agency announced that over-the-counter products should stop marketing and asks companies to stop selling these products for this use. In addition, the agency requests that companies add new warnings to all other oral health products with benzocaine to describe some serious risks.

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The agency warns of the risks associated with the products of the benzocaine to contract methemoglobinemia, that is, a significant reduction in oxygen levels in blood and tissues that can lead to death. the patient.

In the United States, the agency requests that products made with this pain reliever be marketed in any of its presentations, such as gel, aerosol, ointment, solutions and preservatives. pills.

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Side effects when using this local anesthetic are:

  • Bluish coloring on the lips, hands and nails
  • Difficult to breathe
  • Fatigue
  • Headache [19659014] Increased respiratory rate (due to lack of oxygen)

These signs and symptoms may occur after the use of benzocaine for the first time or after several uses, and appear in a few minutes or until 1 or 2 hours after your use.

Unlike the US market, Mexico does not have a large list of over-the-counter products containing benzocaine to cure inflamed gums in babies.

The FDA is asking manufacturers of all local FDA-approved prescription anesthetics to provide warning information on the risk of methemoglobinemia on all labels of this class of products.


In this note:

  • Gum Pain
  • FDA Babies Teeth
  • First Teeth
  • Death Benzocaine Babies

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