This molecule can extend your life up to 5 years simply by consuming it, knows how to do it


Scientists from the University of Innsbruck have discovered a molecule capable of prolonging your life in good health until 5 years old

Everyone wants to prolong his life for the longest time possible. And thanks to the medical and scientific progress of recent years, we have achieved exactly that. Now, scientists from University of Innsbruck in Austria have identified a molecule that promotes the renewal of our body: spermidine .

Of natural origin, and found naturally in various living organisms is known to have an effect of prolonging life in cell cultures and animal samples. But now they have managed to find that it has an anti-aging effect on the human body. Why?

The study of the miraculous molecule

According to the study, which followed the diet of 829 individuals from 1995 to 2015, those with a diet rich in spermidine not only manage to prolong their lives up to 5 years, but reduce the possibility of contracting diseases and thus dying (or at least that is how it is during the 20 years of observation).

Spermidine sends a signal to the cells to initiate autophagy a self-cleaning process of the cells, with which are removed defective components or which are no longer required for the purpose. organism, which usually decompose and are recycled. The natural production of the molecule is reduced to 40 years, losing many of its benefits.

This molecule can be found in many foods, and almost like a joke, you can simply get it with a healthy diet: 19659003] " The recommendations are the same as always: eat a lot of vegetables , fruits, nuts and whole foods, which contain high doses of the molecule ", explains Stefan Kiechl, research leader and doctor of neurology," we can now confirm, for the first time, his role in as an independent factor that influences lifespan also in humans . "

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<p> And if you were asked if you could find spermidine in large quantities in human sperm. Make with this information what you want. </p>
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