This year, they detected twenty cases of AH1N1 flu in Arequipa and Tacna


So far this year, 20 cases of H1N1 flu have been reported in the regions of Tacna and Arequipa. Three patients died, one from Arequipa and two from the border region. Specialists recommend vaccinating children under 6 and older adults.

The head of the epidemiology section of the Regional Health Management of Arequipa, Jorge Velarde, reported that there were six children and five adults with the virus. A 71-year-old man died at the Honorio Delgado hospital in treatment.

Velarde explained that of the eleven cases in the region, two are from the Ica and Moquegua regions. All received treatment in hospitals in the Mistiana region.

In the social insurance of Tacna, were detected 11 suspected cases that were sent to the National Institute of Health to confirm or exclude the virus.

it has destined more than 200 thousand doses for Arequipa and another 24 thousand for Tacna, to vaccinate free children under 6, the elderly and pregnant women.

Tacna Regional Director of Health, Claudio Ramírez, recommended to the Directorate of Education to take action on this, as they also increase the cases of sick students. ❧

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