Three Natural Remedies to Eliminate Acne on the Back


Discover the benefits of these natural ingredients that can prevent irritation and skin blemishes caused by acne on the back

Ingredients such as yogurt and aloe vera have properties that reduce the appearance of acne. the back. We teach you to apply them on your skin.

Like acne on the face the pimples that appear on the back are also an aesthetic problem that many people have to contend with, all the more so as it is generated by bad habits .

[Acné en la espalda: por qué aparece y qué hábitos debes evitar]

Therefore, we present three homemade recipes that will help you minimize the impact of acne on your skin and you can do it yourself , without spending so much money: [19659005] Yogurt as an exfoliant

In case you do not know, our back should be exfoliated at least once a week to remove dead cells, and natural yogurt has natural properties that make it an ideal cream for removing grease and impurities .

In a bowl, mix half a cup plain yogurt (no fat) with ¼ cup flour and three tablespoons lemon juice. Apply the final mixture to the dry skin of the back, let stand for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

The effective tea tree oil

This type of natural antiseptic has healing properties that help to ameliorate imperfections burns and even l 39; ;acne. They are very characteristic of natural stores, but you can also find them in pharmacies.

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Once you have this oil, add a drop of the ingredient on a piece of cotton until it soaks. Then apply on the pimples on the skin until they dry and rinse. You can repeat the process as many times as you want, depending on the results on your skin.

Reduces irritation and imperfections

Honey Aloe Vera Natural Aloe vera also has very effective properties when it comes to treating acne , especially with the bad appearance that they can leave, as spots on the skin .

You should only apply honey for 10 minutes on the affected area of ​​your back. Take a bath and dry this area well. Then apply aloe vera, which will act as a natural moisturizer and healing.

Remember that it is also important that your skin receive professional care, so if you apply these home remedies, it is best to consider this beforehand ]. a dermatologist .

See also: [Acné: estos hábitos te provocan granitos sin que lo notes]

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