Ties, a danger to your brain


This is not an aesthetic question, nor a question of color or what you pass on. It is also not a question of whether it is an old – fashioned garment or if it is the Croatian mercenaries who have spread it, first in France then in the rest of the world, during the second half of the seventeenth century.

According to a study published in the late 1990s, researchers at Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital in Kiel discovered that wearing a tie can limit blood flow to the brain by understanding the venous flow of the jugular. June in the journal Neuroradiology

German scientists collected 30 healthy young men without known cerebrovascular disease and separated them into two groups: 15 were allowed to wear open-neck shirts and the rest were assigned to the clinic. use of neckties. They then performed several MRIs to analyze the effects.

Each member of the experimental group underwent exploration with an open neck and loose tie. Then they tied the collar of the shirt and tightened the tie for the second sweep. Finally, for the third scan, the tie is loosened and the last button has been opened. Doctors specifically focused on the operation of the jugular.

In the tie group, blood flow to the brain was reduced by 7.5% from the initial scan to the second when the link was tightened. And he was even weaker (12.8%) when this second test was compared to the results of the third analysis, which implied that he loosened his tie and unbuttoned the button of the shirt.

The researchers consider that this type of decrease would not trigger obvious symptoms in people, although they warn that this would be enough to affect the cognitive functioning. Regular and regular flow of blood to the brain is crucial for all neurons and cells to continue to progress, transmitting messages and responding instantly to a problem, puzzle or threat.

"Cerebral blood flow is indirectly proportional to intracranial pressure, and compression of the jugular vein could lead to increased pressure by obstructing output flow, even in the absence of a change in jugular venous flow, "wrote the study authors, who demand more research to refine their findings.

Links were already at the center of controversy a few years ago when, in the early years In 2000, scientists began to analyze the potential health risks of this supplement, and experts from the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary determined, for example, that close ties could be detrimental to people's long-term vision. [19659009]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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