Tips for Caring for the Health of Players |


Did you know that when we work with mobile devices, the position of the head is equivalent to carrying 25 kilos on the neck? Imagine then the case of the players. Fans of what they do can spend up to 14 hours a day in front of a computer or console repeating the same footage over and over again. They like a lot of things like: they do not have a boss, they do what they are passionate about and they can spend the day in pajamas, but it's no wonder that they reach a bigger one increase in their glasses and have broken back and neck

People who do not leave the monitor for several hours may suffer from chronic conditions that do not always heal easily. And it has a name: Computer or Computer Syndrome. Among the most common are back pain, dry eyes, tendonitis of the palm or wrist, vision problems, contractures, obesity, water retention and neck pain. . Enough to trigger the alarm and take action.

Faced with this reality, it is important to know how to choose correctly to take advantage of what technology makes available to us. "The R & D teams take a lot of these types of issues into account, which is why you'll see, for example, that our gaming monitors are equipped with VisionCare, which includes Flickerless, BluelightShield, ComfyView and low-tech technologies. mitigation that can help reduce eye fatigue for long periods of play, or that our Predator mouse game has an ergonomic design and you can put your hand on it without forcing it, "said Angélica Dávila, marketing director of Acer for Latin America The company also introduced its Predator gaming chair, with removable cushions, superior ergonomics and lumbar support for the players.

However, to combat the aftermath of marathons video games, it is necessary to take into account other things.This is why Jesellys Garcia, a trainer of GM Fitness Lab, recommended exercises id to the players.

Stretch your legs in different directions. When we sit for a long time, our hips compress, so this exercise is very important. We get up, hands on the waist, legs joined and begin to move the right leg from one side to the other like a pendulum.

Sumo Squat / Sumo Sentadillas. The initial position is standing forward, legs spread to a level greater than the width of the shoulders while the fingers are pointing to the outside. The knee should be placed on the heels. Breathe deeply while squatting until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Concentrate on performing a similar motion to sit on a chair. And when you flex your legs, do not bend to avoid excessive intervention of the lumbar muscles. The upward movement is done by exhaling and pushing your body upward with your heels, pressing your buttocks and inner thighs until you are in the initial position. This exercise is very important because it involves several muscles such as the buttocks, the lower back, the quadriceps, among others.

Pigeon posture. Hips are a complex group of muscles, tendons and powerful ligaments that are essential for your ability to move. When sitting for a long time in front of a computer or video game console, we avoid that our hips get a movement and therefore the stretch they need. Pigeons can be used to harden and stretch the muscles in the back and cervical area. Kneel down and place one inclined leg forward, stretch the other leg backwards and place your hands on the floor on the sides of the body until you place it on the floor. Groin on the floor.

Plancha. This is a very complete exercise because it acts simultaneously on several muscle groups, helping to strengthen the torso, improving posture, flexibility and balance and, therefore, reducing or avoiding back pain. When doing this, make sure that your hips do not rise too much and that your back stays in a straight line.

This is recommended for aerobic activities, walking, cycling or swimming. "It helps the body and the mind," he says.

Source: docsalud

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