Wearing a tie can be dangerous for your health


Researchers at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein From Kiel, Germany, published a study in which they explain that the use of the tie can impede blood flow and produce "negative cerebrovascular effects" during the compression of jugular and carotid veins.

"In many professions, a special clothing code that includes a tie and a collar shirt, although little is known about the effect of this" socially desirable strangulation, "have -they commented.The study was published in Neuroradiology in late June

The study population consisted of 30 healthy men divided into two parts.The first 15 were asked to wear a shirt with open collar and the other 15 were invited to wear a tie.They mostly observed the jugular.

The group that used a tie was subjected to three tests: one with the collar of the shirt open and loose tie, the other with the neck closed and the tie more taut and finally he loosens the tie and unbuttons the last button.

Magnetic resonances were made and the results were showed that in this group the blood flow to the The brain was reduced by 7.5%. This would not cause symptoms, although it may impair cognitive function.

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